Friday 1 February 2008

Daily Spark Word: Late

To acknowledge my lateness in getting a daily challenge up (today has just slipped away from me!), today's spark word is 'late'. This started me thinking about watches, and inspired the below poem.


when i try to sleep in the night
i hear my watch
against my ear
a micro maestro keeping beat
to an unheard
which sounds to me
of a song my mother once sang


Anonymous said...

I've posted my response for the daily spark word today on my site.

Check it out! Thanks!

Jim Murdoch said...

It has been years since I attempted a haiku. Since it's late in the day I'm going to stick to the 5-7-5 structure and not try to be too clever.


The number nine bus
is always late to arrive.
Time to see the road.

Miss Ticket Stubs said...

Ah - simple, but effective! Thanks, Jim!

I'm tagging you to do a 10 for 10 as well - I'll post a comment on your site about it :)

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